7 Impacts

Being happy with
your job and
being in a healthy
work environment
  • School can be looked at as an occupation as well
  • A healthy work environment should allow for many breaks and realistic goals
  • Contentment in the workplace connects with happiness at home and with family
  • Students can easily find jobs on campus that are flexible with school schedules
  • We have resource center to help students find jobs for now or the future that will help them succeed
  • School can be looked at as an occupation as well
  • Off campus the community supports going to school and will be flexible with schedules

There are many job opportunities at Villa University and in the community that treat students well. Most of the jobs such as working at the recreational facilities are extremely flexible with school schedules. Being a desk assistant or working at any of the little stores such as the University book store helps students get the experience they need while also being given flexibility to do homework. If there is no recreation and leisure facilities many students would lose their jobs and not get the work experience they need.

Developing a sense of connection, belonging, and a well-developed support system
  • Parks provide benefits to broader communities too, providing spaces where people gather and interact to build social cohesion and foster social capital. 
  • Communal benefits through transcendence (Maslow)
  • Social cohesion
  • Crime reduction
  • Increased productivity
  • Economic stimulation

Colleges encourage social well being through clubs, social events, and in the classroom setting so students can form social connections and lifelong bonds for both the present and future.

Recognizing one's creative abilities and finding ways to expand knowledge and skills
  • Studies have shown that college students have a higher depression rate than the general population
  • There is a positive correlation between the green space quality and better mental health
  • Studies have shown campus green spaces are considered as a potential recovery environment
  • Green space most strongly protects against mood disorders, depression, neurotic behavior, and stress-related issues
  • Enhances positive youth development
  • Improves concentration

Colleges not provide courses for students to learn new material, concepts,  and knowledge as-well-as recreational spaces for students to relax and study

Being happy with
your job and
being in a healthy
work environment
  • "In fact, national studies of college students have repeatedly found that emotional health challenges like stress, anxiety, sleep, and depression are the leading impediments to academic success."
  • Colleges provide resources like therapists for free and/or a reduced price (beneficial for students who are financially unstable and/or are on a scholarship, and for students who don't have the time to go off-campus)
  • Offers multitudes of spaces (indoors and outdoors) to be alone and breathe to practice mindfulness
  • On-and-off campus, there are many places to try new foods to take the time and appreciate what it smells like, tastes like, etc.
  • Discover new places when going on walks, alone or with people

-Being vulnerable
-Pay attention to surrounding and
  new discoveries, thoughts and
  worries will fade

Some colleges provide mental health days for students to have a day marked in their calendar for a day of leisure

Knowledge and practice toward positive
health conditions
  • Feeling happy and healthy in your own skin
  • The REC center on campus allows for students to take a break from the school day and better themselves in a healthy way
  • Without the REC center students would have to pay for a gym membership off campus and would be less likely to better their physical well-being

It's important for college students to move their body because it helps:
-Boost energy
-Relieve stress
-Stimulates brain cells
-Lower disease risk

Occupying pleasant,  and/or stimulating environments that support well-being and keeping the natural environment beautiful and clean
  • Loads of resources to get outside to immerse oneself with sustainable and native landscapes
  • Offers many opportunities
    to engage in and with the community to learn and
    practice sustainable practices
  • To be in balance between physical and emotional well-being, it's important to live in harmony and amongst nature
  • Eliminates negative emotions through living a healthy lifestyle and immersing oneself in positive thoughts to create a better society
  • Rooms that have bright lights, either natural or artificial can influence mood positively by lessening signs of depression
    and anxiety
  • A clean, organized, and adequately spaced area can encourage you to be more motivated
  • Has long-term benefits for humans, but also the world as well
  • School can be looked at as an occupation as well

       -Influences mood and physical
       -Lowers air pollution, global
         poverty, etc.

  • 9 in 10 people worldwide are
    breathing unclean air, and about 7 million people die each year from disease and infections related to air pollution

       -Involving yourself in
         environmental opportunities can
         reduce these numbers to save
         others lives, but also your life

Colleges that support spiritual
well-being grant balance for students

Expanding a sense of pourpose and meaning in life, including one's morals and ethics
  • Leadership structures (peer support, peer mentoring, etc.)
  • Student (or college) run
    co-curricular activities, clubs, or groups
  • Facilitation of working within the school and the community- volunteering, fundraising, etc.
  • Yoga and meditation at recreation facilities
  • Gives students a chance to start or continue celebrating their diversity and culture

     -Clubs, performances,
       celebrations etc.
     -Student prayer practices
     -Ensuring all students are being

Colleges that support spiritual well-being grant balance for students

Why parks should remain a part of the community

  • Parks and recreation facilities are the places that people go to get healthy and stay fit.
  • According to studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, creating, improving and promoting places to be physically active can improve individual and community health and result in a 25% increase of residents who exercise at least three times per week.
  • A study by Penn State University showed significant correlations to reductions in stress, lowered blood pressure, and perceived physical health to the length of stay in visits to parks.

Why tourism should remain a part of
the community

"Great things never came from comfort zones"
  • Tourism provides stimulation for the economy
  • Learn new life skills from travel
  • Learn to be adaptable
  • Personal Gains/Lessons;

        - Compassion
        - Networking
        - A better academic performance
        - Perspective
        - Individuality
        - Independence
        - Experience
        - Sensitivity for other cultures
        - New friends