Our Declaration of Recreation

Here we stand, under one Declaration of Recreation.
A promise to take time,
to have fun and play,
to give ourselves a day,
to get some rest and relaxation.


Our Mission

The city council is petitioning to have Villa University and the community's recreational facilities and leisurely fun shut down. Some citizens are on board with this harmful decision, and we need YOUR help to try and stop the council from taking away a very important part of our lives! This is our Declaration of Recreation.

Impact of
Losing Recreation

  • Students would leave Villa University and the community
  • Depression rates would rise
  • No entertainment for students and the community to enjoy
  • Academic success would plummet
  • Isolation within the community
  • Many people would lose their jobs on campus and in the community

As you can see there would be no benefits if we lost recreation and leisure practices within the University and community. Mental and physical health would be greatly affected by this issue, and the communities population would most likely decline.



The time when you are not working and you can relax and do things that you enjoy.

Leisure as an activity

Leisure as an activity encompasses the activities that we engage in for various reasons.
Leisure activities are NOT work oriented and don't involve life maintenance tasks. 

Leisure aS Time

Leisure is residual time, free from obligations, work, and tasks required for existing.

Leisure as a state of mind

Leisure as a state of mind is
perceived freedom. This refers to an individual's ability to choose the activity or experience. in that the individual is free from other obligations as well as has the freedom to act without control from others.
Perceived freedom also involves the absence of external constraints to participation


Well-being in the college setting mainly includes students' mental health, physical health and life meaningfulness

Research shows that college sutdents' well-being is positively related to personal success, positive states, and self-motivation


Activity engaged in for relaxation and amusement; disport, diversion, fun, play, sport, etc.

Recreation is about activities, pastimes, and experiences which are freely chosen. They are usually undertaken in free time and produce feelings of well-being, fulfillment, enjoyment, relaxation, and satisfaction

Community based recreation offers an opportunity to meet people while enjoying a range of social, cultural, or physical activities


Research has shown recreation has 7 impacts on students, and that students who take recreational time for themselves have a positive correlation on these impacts

Recreation is about taking time to do something you love and makes you happy. Recreation is the freedom you have as an individual to just be yourself

History of Leisure

We can trace our views of recreation and leisure back throughout multiple periods of history, each impacting leisure history in their own unique way. Through educating ourselves about the history of people, place, events, social forces, religion, education, government, and the different customs and values of each culture, their arts, sports, and pastimes, we can better understand how they can improve leisure of the present. (Kraus, 2021, p. 74) Specifically, if one looks at the Renaissance era they can see the impact that education has on people in relation to leisure. During the Renaissance era, leisure and play were part of education. This brought forth an emphasis for physical exercise, games, singing, dancing, modeling, painting, nature study, and manual training. (Kraus, 2021, pg. 78) To define the importance of Leisure History. It is the cumulation of all the different perspectives on leisure throughout the different eras in history, and how we use these ideas to create a better life for ourselves.